Frequently Asked Questions

  • No, we do not accept insurance.

    However, we do provide a receipt and documentation of services provided if you would like to seek reimbursement from your insurance company.

  • Cash or check are preferred. We also accept credit cards and payment through HSA/FSA.

  • You will receive paperwork via email after you schedule your appointment. You can fill it out ahead of time, or please arrive 5-10 minutes early to fill out a paper copy in the office.

  • Please wear loose shorts and a sports bra/loose tank top (if applicable) for your treatment. Please do NOT wear oils, lotions, or scented products.

  • All sessions are 60 minutes in length. The first session will include an evaluation to gather baseline information and a full postural assessment to find areas of restriction. Time will be allotted to discuss your goals, plan of care, and answer any further questions you may have.

  • This is a very good question and one that I do not know the answer to! Every person will experience their own healing journey. It will depend on how often you come for treatment, how long you’ve had the underlying issue, your commitment to the work and the frequency in which you perform at-home treatments. I suggest that clients come in more frequently up front so that we can get a handle on treatments, get a good plan for the future and work through any healing crisis that may surface. You’ve spent a lifetime building up these restrictions, therefore you will not be “healed” in one session. This is about lasting change in your body and following the patterns of blockages until they are completely released. There are no quick fixes when dealing with pain and especially chronic pain. Put your health and well-being first and get the treatments that you need, no matter the number.

  • To comply with Pennsylvania state law, we may not treat you for more than a 30-day period without a prescription from your doctor. We accept prescriptions from medical and osteopathic physicians, podiatrists, and dentists. At this time, PA state, does not recognize prescriptions from chiropractors.

  • How fast do you want to reach your goals? The more closely together you schedule visits initially, the faster you will reach your goals. Ideally two treatments per week are the most effective, that way if you have a healing crisis we can help you through it faster.

  • After most treatments you’ll feel improvement. Some clients feel improvement right away and some after a day or two goes by. Occasionally however, you may feel worse after a treatment. This is not a cause for alarm and doesn’t mean that anything has gone wrong! These flare ups of new or old discomfort might be the body releasing to a deeper level of restriction and healing; it might be that we arrived at a new “cause” of your pain as opposed to the “symptoms” that we had been previously treating. We encourage you to celebrate this progress, let yourself feel what’s going on, and tell your therapist about it at your next session – this is very important to your healing and we are here to help! This event is often called a “healing crisis”. Your therapist has experienced several herself as an MFR client; even though they may have been intense, they all led to great improvements in her own healing. The blockages in your body are there due to these things not being dealt with in the past when the injury or trauma occurred.

  • Clients must cancel or reschedule their appointment with at least 48-hours notice or they will be charged the full amount of the treatment. No shows will also be charged the full amount.

  • No, there is not an elevator to access the 2nd floor. If you are unable to negotiate stairs, please call so accommodations can be made to better suit you.

  • During MFR treatments, you might experience something called “unwinding.” This is when your body might move involuntarily – for instance, your fingers wiggle or your foot/leg twitches, but you didn’t intentionally make them move. This spontaneous movement is your body’s fascial system self-correcting, and is very helpful to the healing process. We encourage you to let this process happen if it does – not to shut it down. Unwinding can take many forms, although you can’t “make” it happen. It’s also completely fine if you don’t have an unwinding!

  • Your body is a big huge sheath of fascia and it’s like a spider web or sweater. Most of the time, your pain in your shoulder is not actually coming from your shoulder. That’s where I come in. We will typically palpate (feel around) to discover areas where the connective tissue (fascia) are hard, hot or stuck. That’s where we start and continue to follow that line until it completely unwinds.

  • NO! MFR does not use any lotions, creams or oils and utilizes a continuous sustained pressure held by the therapist for a minimum of 5 minutes to safely and gently release the fascial restrictions and allow the body’s systems to work efficiently again. MFR treats the entire body.

    Massage Therapy uses lotion, creams or oils and the therapists hands are almost always moving.

    Traditional Physical Therapy only treats the part of the body that is injured, provides minimal 1:1 time with the client and tends to use different modalities (e-stim, ultrasound, heat/ice).